Hi, I’m Jamie!
Jamie Paradis is an artist, student, and designer based in Maplewood, New Jersey and Ithaca, New York. Her passion for art began at the age of 3 when she took classes at Geralyn’s art studio in downtown Maplewood NJ, and was reignited when she more seriously began studying Fine Arts in her high school Advanced Art course. She studied at The Art Students League of New York during summers and immersed herself in a 3 month residential art program at Cowhouse Studios in Wexford Ireland in 2021.
Some of her favorite pieces have been made either in or based on photos of her family’s mountain home in Big Sky, Montana where they spend most of their summers and winters. She also particularly likes painting portraits and landscapes from life and portraits of important people in her life.
Jamie’s work is driven by her passion for capturing the human expression and figure, especially in its most raw and day-to-day forms. She experiments with color, texture, and brushwork to create expressive works that are inspired by impressionist artists of the later 19th century as well as contemporary art from her own lifetime.